The Impact of Technology on Young Minds: Seeking Healthier Alternatives

The Impact of Technology on Young Minds: Seeking Healthier Alternatives

In an era dominated by screens and digital interactions, the influence of technology on children, especially toddlers, has become a pressing concern for educators, psychologists, and parents alike.

While technology offers unprecedented access to information and learning resources, its pervasive use among the youngest members of society raises questions about its impact on their development, health, and wellbeing.

The Downsides of Early Tech Exposure

Excessive screen time has been linked to a range of negative outcomes in children, including reduced attention spans, impaired social skills, and delays in language development.

Toddlers, in particular, are at a critical stage of development where interactions with the physical world, including hands-on activities and face-to-face communication, play a crucial role in their cognitive, emotional, and motor skill development.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting screen time for children older than 2 to no more than one hour per week of high-quality programming, with even stricter guidelines for younger children, emphasizing the importance of supervised, interactive, and educational content.

Moreover, the sedentary nature of screen-based activities contributes to the growing concern over childhood obesity. Physical play and exploration are essential for developing gross motor skills and maintaining a healthy weight.

Additionally, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insufficient rest, which is vital for a child’s growth and development.

Embracing Healthier Alternatives

Recognizing the potential drawbacks of early tech exposure, many parents and educators are turning towards more traditional and interactive forms of play. Wooden toys, for instance, offer a timeless alternative that encourages imaginative play and sensory exploration without the need for digital inputs.

These toys are not only durable and safe, but they also promote problem-solving skills and fine motor development. They come in various forms, including puzzles, building blocks, and shape sorters, catering to different age groups and developmental stages.

In addition to wooden toys, there are numerous educational tools that prioritize active learning and creativity. Art supplies, musical instruments, and books foster a love for the arts, language, and storytelling. Outdoor play equipment, like swings, slides, and sandboxes, encourages physical activity and interaction with nature, contributing to both physical and emotional health.

The Montessori Method

The Montessori Method: A Holistic Approach to Learning

One educational approach that aligns closely with the philosophy of reducing tech exposure while promoting hands-on learning is the Montessori method.

Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, this method emphasizes self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. In Montessori environments, children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.

The Role of Montessori Learning Towers

A unique tool often found in Montessori settings is the learning tower, also known as a kitchen helper. This sturdy, child-safe platform allows toddlers to safely reach counter height, engaging them in everyday activities such as cooking, washing dishes, and other hands-on tasks.

The learning tower fosters independence, self-confidence, and practical life skills. By participating in real-life tasks, children develop a sense of responsibility and accomplishment, enhancing their motor skills and understanding of the world around them.

learning towers are in high demand

Montessori learning towers are designed with safety in mind, featuring stable bases, safety rails, and adjustable heights to accommodate growing children. This tool exemplifies the Montessori emphasis on creating an environment that adapts to the child’s developmental needs, encouraging active participation in a safe and nurturing setting.

More on the learning tower trend


The debate around technology’s role in children’s lives is complex, with no one-size-fits-all solution. While technology can be a valuable educational tool when used appropriately, the importance of traditional play and hands-on learning experiences cannot be overstated.

Wooden toys, educational tools, and Montessori principles offer compelling alternatives that support holistic development. By prioritizing these methods, parents and educators can help nurture well-rounded, healthy, and happy children who are equipped to navigate both the digital and physical worlds with confidence and curiosity.

Unveiling the match-fixing detective: How AI is safeguarding the integrity of sports

Unveiling the match-fixing detective: How AI is safeguarding the integrity of sports

Match-fixing has long been the bane of sports competitions, eroding trust and dampening spectator enthusiasm. But what if technology could be the equalizer?

Thanks to groundbreaking machine learning models, the regulators may soon have a powerful ally in identifying and eradicating unfair play. Intrigued? Let’s dig in.

An Obsolete System in Need of Upgrades

Traditionally, the fight against match-fixing has relied heavily on the sports betting market.

Odd changes and betting line shifts often act as alarms, prompting regulatory bodies to take a closer look. However, this methodology has its limitations.

It is notably less effective in detecting unfair play in less prominent sports or leagues. So, where do we go from here?

A New Kind of Investigator: Meet Machine Learning

Machine learning, an advanced form of artificial intelligence, has the capacity to act like a digital detective.

By combing through vast amounts of sports data, machine learning can spot hidden patterns and irregular activities. This deep dive into data is particularly useful for examining unexpected changes in team performance and exploring every angle of a sports event.

Unlocking the Power of “Anomalous Match Identification”

In our recent study, we utilized a concept termed “anomalous match identification” to identify irregular game outcomes.

Our model isn’t solely focused on match-fixing; it also takes into account other possibilities like strategic losses or just an off day for a team. The key here is flagging abnormal results for further investigation by authorities.

Case Study: The 2022 NBA Playoffs

To gauge the efficacy of our model, we turned our attention to the 2022 NBA playoffs. Using historical data from 2004 to 2020, we made predictions on match outcomes.

The resulting analysis revealed multiple anomalies, especially in a series between the Phoenix Suns and Dallas Mavericks.

While this is not an immediate indicator of foul play, it does serve as a starting point for a deeper dive by regulators.

Not Just for Basketball: A Versatile Approach

The true beauty of this approach lies in its versatility. It can be adapted to various sports, helping officials and organizations gain valuable insights into unusual activities during matches. This ensures fair play and contributes to the sanctity of the sport in question.

Why Trust Matters

For you, the fan sitting on the edge of your seat, the ultimate goal is to relish the authentic drama that only sports can offer. But for that, trust is paramount. Our study shows that technology, particularly machine learning, can play a vital role in maintaining this trust.

Ethical Considerations: Proceed with Caution

As we usher in a new era where technology becomes increasingly integrated into sports, it’s crucial to be mindful of ethical implications. Transparency is key to ensuring that this technological advance serves everyone fairly.

Questions you might be pondering

How effective is machine learning in detecting match-fixing?
Our initial tests have shown promising results, particularly in identifying anomalies that warrant further investigation.

Is this approach applicable to other sports?
Absolutely. The machine learning model’s adaptability makes it suitable for multiple sports.

Are there ethical concerns with utilizing machine learning in sports?
Yes, ethical considerations, particularly regarding transparency, are crucial when integrating new technologies into any sphere, including sports.

There you have it. In an age where trust is a premium commodity, machine learning offers a glimmer of hope for keeping our beloved games fair and exciting. So, the next time you’re absorbed in a nail-biting match, consider this: artificial intelligence might just be the unsung hero ensuring everything is as it seems.

Cloudflare unveils a holistic suite for data security across platforms

Cloudflare unveils a holistic suite for data security across platforms

With businesses leaning more heavily than ever on cloud-based operations, it’s crucial that they navigate the maze of digital threats without getting lost.

For every AI algorithm that crunches numbers at the speed of light, there’s a dark corner of the internet trying to exploit it. Cloudflare, an industry leader in web security and performance, has taken an ambitious step to keep you ahead of the curve.

They have launched the Cloudflare One Data Protection Suite, a full-stack security arsenal run by their cutting-edge Security Service Edge (SSE).

Understanding the security landscape

Cloudflare’s recent offering answers a pressing question: how do you keep a sprawling digital infrastructure safe?

Traditional security tools often come up short in protecting the vast amount of data your business collects and processes.

Whether you are managing proprietary code for next-gen AI or sensitive health records, this product is designed to give you peace of mind without slowing you down.

The multifaceted architecture of Cloudflare One

The suite is anchored in Cloudflare’s global infrastructure, covering hundreds of cities across the globe. Here’s a quick breakdown of its features:

  • Agile Networking Capabilities: This isn’t your grandma’s firewall. With programmable architecture, you can easily adopt emerging standards and protocols to keep up with modern security demands.
  • Unified Data Management: No more juggling multiple interfaces; everything is consolidated on a single platform. From this hub, you can manage traffic with extreme flexibility—be it through direct connections, SD-WAN partnerships, or API-based routing.
  • Real-time Policy Enforcement: The Cloudflare network ensures fast, non-intrusive policy execution, making sure that your data protocols are enforced without hindering user experience.
  • Tailored Security Measures: The Data Loss Prevention feature allows customization, helping you identify risks unique to your organization. Additionally, you can discover sensitive data at rest or in transit through integrations with major cloud productivity tools.

The security strategy for today’s CISOs

If you’re a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), your job has never been more challenging. As you contend with the explosion of data across devices and platforms, Cloudflare One offers a robust plan.

It extends data control to every nook and cranny of your operations, from external customer portals to internal development environments. Imagine managing all this without breaking a sweat!

Real-world applications and testimonies

Early adopters of the suite have already reported improvements in security protocols and overall productivity.

Tanner Randolph, CISO at Applied Systems, mentions that Cloudflare One allows them to responsibly use AI tools like ChatGPT without compromising on data integrity. “Cloudflare has been invaluable in our ongoing efforts to digitalize and secure our operations,” says Randolph.


How does the Cloudflare One Data Protection Suite differ from traditional security tools? Traditional security tools often lack the comprehensive and agile capabilities of Cloudflare One, which is designed to adapt to rapidly evolving digital landscapes.

What’s unique about Cloudflare’s suite? It offers a single platform for managing and securing data across varied environments—be it web, private applications, or SaaS platforms.

Is this product suitable for smaller businesses? Yes, its cloud-native architecture ensures scalability, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.

So, if you’re looking to protect your most valuable assets in this digital age, Cloudflare One Data Protection Suite offers a formidable line of defense. It’s high time we took data protection seriously, don’t you agree?

Unlocking Samsung’s Latest Feat: The Galaxy Z Flip 5

Unlocking Samsung’s Latest Feat: The Galaxy Z Flip 5

How often do you hear a tech behemoth like Samsung taking a leap of faith, only to ace it effortlessly? Just last Wednesday, Samsung unveiled its much-anticipated Galaxy Z Flip 5, thrusting its way into the buzzing market of foldable smartphones.

They didn’t just stop at launching it, though. They revolutionized it. What’s the big deal, you ask? Let’s unfold the story.

Setting the Stage: The Foldable Market

Competitive forces are piling on in the foldable smartphone arena, with Oppo, Motorola, and Honor aiming to take a slice of this still-emerging sector. According to IDC, foldables accounted for a meager 1.2% of all smartphone sales last year.

It’s a market still looking for its cruising altitude, and Samsung is hell-bent on setting the standard.

Sibling Rivalry: Flip 5 vs. Fold 5

The DNA:
In Seoul, Samsung’s home base, the tech giant introduced its twin novelties: the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and the Galaxy Z Fold 5. At their core, these two devices share a design philosophy and several enhancements, making them more like brothers than distant relatives.

Stealing the Limelight:
The Z Fold 5, with its polished design, is already making waves.

Yet, the Flip 5 — the smaller of the two — is what’s grabbing most of the attention, thanks to its myriad of innovative features.

The Tale of Two Screens

The Foldable Philosophy:
A foldable phone is expected to offer two distinct screen experiences. When you unfold it, you get a grander, majestic display. When it’s folded, you should still have a functional external screen for quick glances and actions.

What’s New in the Flip 5:
Earlier versions of the Z Flip left a lot to be desired in terms of the external display. The Flip 5, under the competition’s heat, finally boasts a larger external display, offering a more practical experience. Now, you can glance at your Google Maps, reply to messages, or skim through notifications without having to flip open the device.

Behind the Glass: Built to Last

Imagine holding a compact, sleek object—measuring just 85.1 x 71.9 x 13.8 mm when folded and weighing a modest 187 grams. Samsung wraps this unit in ultra-tough Gorilla Glass Victus 2 and reinforced aluminum, not just for style but for substantial durability. The Flip 5 still maintains its pocket-friendly form, giving you the best of both worlds when it comes to design and utility.

New Features Unveiled

Widgets on the Go:
Remember when widgets were desktop-exclusive? The Flip 5’s upgraded external screen now accommodates widgets for quick access to various apps like Spotify, the weather forecast, and your calendar.

Photography Meets Innovation:
With two 12MP sensors in the front, the Flip 5 is no slouch in the camera department. The device even allows the subject to preview themselves on the external screen. Plus, it offers simplified access to various shooting modes, filters, and other camera utilities.

Personalization & Comfort:
Whether it’s typing a message with the built-in keyboard or setting up the screen to display information tailored to your preferences, the Flip 5 allows you to make it your own.

The 90-degree Advantage:
A unique aspect of this phone is its ability to stay put at a 90-degree angle, making it convenient for various tasks before you tuck it back into your pocket.


Is the Galaxy Z Flip 5’s new external screen really a game-changer?
Absolutely. The external display transforms the device from a stylish gadget to a versatile tool for modern life.

Does the Flip 5 sacrifice durability for style?
On the contrary, the Flip 5 combines robust Gorilla Glass Victus 2 and reinforced aluminum, ensuring that it’s as tough as it is elegant.

Is the camera on the Flip 5 worth the hype?
Yes. The dual 12MP front-facing cameras are not only powerful but integrated into an intuitive interface that makes capturing your best moments a breeze.

So, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 is not just another shiny toy; it’s a well-thought-out device that seems to be pushing the envelope in the foldable phone market. If you’re looking to venture into this new tech frontier, this might just be the device for you. Welcome to the future, neatly folded in your pocket.

How Does Machine Learning Work?

How Does Machine Learning Work?

How does machine learning works

You may be wondering, “How does machine learning work?” There are several different approaches. You can use either supervised or unsupervised machine learning. Then, you can apply those techniques to a particular task. For example, you could use supervised machine learning to learn the best way to classify data.

Machine learning

There are several methods used to improve the accuracy of machine learning algorithms. Often, the process involves the use of input samples as training data. This allows the machine to categorize the data into different groups. The model can then be adjusted to better match new test data. This process is repeated until the learner has a high degree of confidence in its model.

A machine learning algorithm uses rules and models to predict the output of a task. This allows it to process large volumes of data quickly. For example, a machine learning algorithm could be used to identify whether or not a credit card transaction is fraudulent. Once the algorithm has a sufficient amount of data, it can even find patterns that a human might not notice.

Unsupervised machine learning

Unsupervised machine learning is a type of machine learning that does not require any human intervention or training. It can handle large amounts of data in real time and can recognize data structures automatically. For example, it can identify the shapes of individual objects in a photograph, such as an eye. This is particularly useful for medical imaging. Similarly, unsupervised methods can recognize patterns in time series data, such as weather forecasting and stock predictions. The results can be used to predict future events and predict consumer behaviour.

Unsupervised machine learning is completely different from supervised machine learning, which relies on labeled data. Instead of training the algorithm on labelled data, unsupervised methods attempt to recognize patterns by using unlabeled data. While supervised learning is usually easier to implement, unsupervised methods allow the models to learn on their own and are useful for situations where the outcomes are not known. Using unsupervised machine learning techniques, data scientists can identify underlying patterns and identify anomalies.

Reinforcement machine learning

Reinforcement learning is a method for teaching an agent to behave in a particular way based on past actions. It is particularly useful for situations in which there is a trade-off between short-term versus long-term rewards. This technique has been used in a variety of applications, including robot control, elevator scheduling, telecommunications, and games such as backgammon and checkers.

Reinforcement learning works through a feedback loop, whereby the learner is rewarded or penalized for certain actions. The process is designed to reward good behavior and discourage bad behaviour. The goal is to make the learner perform as good as possible in order to maximize their reward.

Semi-supervised machine learning

Semi-supervised machine learning can be used to develop machine learning algorithms that use labelled data. It requires only a small set of training data and relies on the structure of the labelled data to propagate the labels. It has several advantages and can be used for a wide range of use cases.

Semi-supervised machine learning is a method that combines features of both supervised and unsupervised frameworks. A semi-supervised algorithm is capable of distinguishing labelled items perfectly. However, it may suffer from a reduction in performance compared to a supervised algorithm. However, it still has advantages over traditional supervised algorithms. A semi-supervised algorithm is much more accurate than a traditional supervised method, as it requires only a small set of labelled data.

Semi-supervised learning is ideal for tasks where large amounts of labeled data are not readily available. This method can generalize despite a limited number of training data, resulting in a reduced word error rate. Semi-supervised learning can be used for image recognition, content aggregation frameworks, and crawlers.

Deep learning

Deep learning is an advanced method of machine learning that uses models similar to the human brain to process data. These models can be applied to a variety of tasks, including image recognition and natural language processing. They are also being used in applications such as self-driving cars and language translation services. In addition, use cases for deep learning have spanned the fields of big data analytics, medical diagnosis, network security, and more.

One of the major challenges of deep learning is its need for a large amount of data. The more data available, the more accurate the model will be. However, as the number of parameters grows, the model will become rigid and unable to handle multiple tasks. This means that it cannot solve more than one problem at a time and needs to be re-trained to deal with similar problems. In addition, deep learning techniques are too expensive for applications that require reasoning.

Ethics and Legal Liability of AI Systems

Ethics and Legal Liability of AI Systems

The ethics and legal liability of AI systems are some of the issues raised in this article. In addition, this article explores how Human expertise is required to design and program AI systems. Furthermore, this article considers the possible redundancy of certain roles due to AI, including those in the food preparation industry.

Legal liability of AI systems

As we develop AI technologies, the question of legal liability of AI systems arises. These technologies are not yet fully developed and there are numerous uncertainties about their liability and risk. These questions are likely to be addressed through state legislatures and court systems in the future. The answer to these questions will not be uniform and may take years to develop.

However, a voluntary framework for AI products liability can help to smooth the process and reduce the challenges that state-by-state variations pose. For example, the American Law Institute, a reputable organization that produces scholarly work to improve the rule of law, might develop model AI product liability laws that could foster uniformity and predictability across the states.

Legal liability for AI systems is important for ensuring that AI systems can be held accountable for their actions if they cause harm or damages to humans. However, scholars have raised the question of whether such artificial agents can be held liable because they are unable to predict their own behavior.

Human experts needed to design and program AI systems

Expert systems are computer applications that use a knowledge base to solve a problem. This knowledge base is a compilation of facts, rules, and other information in a specific domain. Human experts are needed to program and design these systems, and this work is known as knowledge engineering. In this article, we will discuss some of the components of an expert system, as well as some of the challenges and issues involved in building these systems.

Expert systems can be useful in many different fields, such as medicine and engineering. They can be used to diagnose illnesses and schedule complex events, such as flights or manufacturing jobs. For example, a medical expert system might not have the specialized knowledge that a human expert would have. Expert systems can also be used to troubleshoot engineering systems.

Expert systems are cost-effective and can produce robust and quick solutions to complicated problems. These systems can collect scarce knowledge efficiently, maintain a high amount of information, and explain their decisions appropriately. Unfortunately, they cannot handle extraordinary situations and are prone to GIGO errors. Expert systems aren’t the best solutions for solving diverse problems, but they can be the most efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Food preparation roles at risk of redundancy because of AI

Artificial intelligence and automation are expected to enhance productivity and efficiencies in the workplace, but they will also threaten jobs. Some jobs may disappear altogether as AI and automation replace humans. Others may change dramatically. The most creative people will continue to dominate the job market, while routine workers will see their jobs eroded by automation.

The amount of preparation workers are likely to do is not related to their level of awareness about the implications of STAARA. However, employees are often not the best judges of the extent to which technology could replace their jobs. Therefore, it is important for them to know the implications of the legislation in their assessments of their job description and long-term career prospects.

What if Windows 7 becomes a free software?

What if Windows 7 becomes a free software?

Does Microsoft like free software enough to offer Windows 7 to the free software community? The American company, which has, to everyone’s surprise, already declared showed its love to Linux and even published tens of thousands of patents in its favor, has been encouraged to do so since January 13 by the FSF. It accompanied its demand with a petition, endorsed by almost 6,000 people.

The request from the FSF, whose mission is to promote free software, came on January 23,  after the end of the extended support of Windows 7 on January 14. The FSF believes that the end of operating system maintenance should not necessarily mean the termination of the operating system. Perhaps the OS can be given new life by becoming free software.

Microsoft already made the Windows calculator open source in the spring of 2019. Previously, the Redmond firm also made available to the public the .NET framework, the CNTK machine learning tool, and MS-DOS. These acts have been noticed and appreciated, but their scope is still relatively modest compared to what the company could accomplish.

Windows 7 was released in October 2009. Standard support for the operating system ended on January 13, 2015. On that date, no new features were available. Then, on January 14, 2020, security patches were discontinued. As for third-party software, updates are also scheduled to be stopped, such as Google Chrome, which will be discontinued in 2021.

The proof of love may not arrive

Switching to Windows 7 as free software would allow those who can and wish to do so to appropriate an operating system that is considered one of Microsoft’s most successful. In addition to the ability to customize and evolve it, this change in status would potentially entitle it to updates and patches, if the community rolls up its sleeves.

Microsoft no longer hides its fondness for Linux, but the FSF would like to see a more substantial show of love.

It is unlikely that Microsoft will satisfy the FSF’s request, at least for the time being, as the group has not yet completely cut the ties with the OS: there is still a paid and specific extended support for businesses, which will be active until January 2023. The group foresees a mechanism to raise the price of services so that companies will be pushed to migrate.

It is therefore not the day before tomorrow that the free software community will be able to study and modify Windows 7, or even share their changes. That could take years, by the way: as an example, the source code of MS-DOS was only released in 2014, whereas its support ended in… 2001. Assuming the same timeframe is maintained for Windows 7, no release will occur before… 2033.

New features at IFA 2019, Berlin’s major high-tech trade fair

New features at IFA 2019, Berlin’s major high-tech trade fair

The IFA was in full swing in Berlin until September 11, allowing visitors to discover the electronic products that will soon be available to them. This 2019 edition focuses on audio, in addition to traditional televisions and household appliances.

Samsung Bespoke: a modular refrigerator

Samsung has chosen the IFA to announce the release, after many adventures, of its Galaxy Fold folding smartphone, but also that of a 55-inch version of its 8K TV. The Korean has also made a name for himself in the world of large household appliances with his Bespoke refrigerator. A complete range characterized by its modular format – its elements can be assembled in eight different combinations – and by its interchangeable colored fronts. However, to know the price, it will still be necessary to wait.

TCL gets into the headphones market

The TCL brand, whose new televisions were also presented at the IFA, is entering a new segment. It comes with a variety of audio products, from headphones with a hoop to true wireless headphones, some of which offer a sporty version. Models at low prices, since all will cost less than 200 euros.

Huawei Freebuds 3: ANC in its true wireless version

As every year, Huawei has chosen the IFA to detail the chip that will power his next smartphone, the Mate 30: the Kirin 990 compatible with the 5G. But we will also remember the presentation of its true wireless Freebuds 3 headphones, whose format is not unlike that of the AirPods. Semi-Intra earphones with a promising active noise cancellation system.

Sony Xperia 5, delivered with WF-1000XM3 headphones

The latest high-end smartphone from Sony is official. An Xperia 5 with a 6.1-inch 21:9 screen, an 855 Snapdragon chipset with 6GB of RAM and a triple back camera.

A slightly more compact version of the Xperia 1, whose launch price is set at 799 euros for availability from October. Of particular note is the promotional offer offered as part of its pre-orders (as of today), since the smartphone comes with the excellent WF-1000XM3 true wireless headphones, worth 249 euros.

Philips PH805: affordable active noise cancellation

Discreet in the field of headphones, Philips is back with a promising PH805. Its new lightweight (245g) headband headset with touch-sensitive headphones includes an active noise reduction system. An increasingly common feature on high-end headphones, but which the manufacturer announces at a price of around 200 euros. The affordable ANC, in short.

Philips OLED 934+: the integrated Dolby Atmos sound

New Philips OLED+ TVs make their debut at the IFA. Among them, the OLED+ 934, including the other Ambilight lighting ranges on three sides and the Android TV operating system. The interest of the device does not stop there: the 4K television is indeed equipped with a soundbar including two speakers facing upwards. A Dolby Atmos-certified system that promises a greater sense of immersion.

WiFi: how to secure your home network

WiFi: how to secure your home network

WiFi networks have become the norm, but they pose some security challenges: they can allow an intruder to access your network, the machines connected to it, and their traffic. A malicious person can conduct his attack from a distance, in complete discretion. However, strengthening the security of your WiFi network is not just about changing your network key, as you will see. Here are some tips to improve the protection of your network against possible intrusions.

Change the name of your SSID network

By default, your internet box diffuses a name that betrays its origin. Each operator has its name, so this gives an essential indication to a potential hacker who will try to exploit a flaw in your hardware.

Why not try to confuse everyone instead? Choose a different name – whether it’s something that has absolutely nothing to do with it, or why not a name that looks like another operator’s box. It will not improve your security, but it will undoubtedly waste some time for a potential hacker.

Keep your router up to date

It goes without saying that if there are loopholes, manufacturers tend to fix them and offer regular updates. However, the update is not always automatic on all models. You must, therefore, connect to your administration space.

Choose a strong password for your WiFi network

In general, your operator’s box manages your WiFi network. It means that in general, your operator has already assigned you a very complicated connection key that does not have to be changed. Unless your box is in common areas and you want to prevent anyone from connecting with the code pasted on the box label.

Anyway, if you change it, opt for something that is both mnemonic and secure. In this article, we give you some wise advice on choosing better passwords. One of them is to build your passwords as sentences (sequences of pronounceable words) rather than a series of numbers, letters, and special characters.

Choose the highest encryption compatible with your devices

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is the oldest encryption method – and is now almost as recommended as leaving your network without a password (whether in 64 or 128-bit version). It is a method to be avoided in any case.

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a series of standards designed to improve security. WPA I was quickly superseded by WPA2, and more recently, after the discovery of critical protocol vulnerabilities, the WiFi Alliance launched WPA3. The problem is that this last technology is still slow to become more democratic.

TKIP is the old encryption method used by the WPA protocol.

AES is a secure encryption standard used by the military and others.

The WPA/WPA2-PSK (TKIP+AES) mode is not, contrary to popular belief, the most secure method available on your router. This hybrid mode combines the two versions of WPA and encryption protocols (TKIP and AES) for more excellent compatibility. However, it allows hackers to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of the WPA I protocol – knowing that the WPA 2 protocol is now vulnerable too. And it also allows you to use TKIP, less secure encryption than AES.

Therefore, if your devices allow it, we recommend that you choose the WPA2-PSK (AES) mode on your router since WPA3 is still slow to appear.

The Basics Of Foldable Smartphone Tech Explained

The Basics Of Foldable Smartphone Tech Explained

Were you amazed when you caught a glimpse of the new foldable smartphone tech? If these phones astonished you, you might have some questions. How do these phones work? How is this possible? What is it like to use these phones? If you’re trying to find a way to satisfy your curiosity, there are a few things that you can try.

The Parts Used For Smartphones Are Smaller Than Ever

One of the reasons that this sort of tech wasn’t possible in the past was because of the size of the parts used to make phones. Because the parts were on the larger side, it wasn’t possible to make phones that were thin enough to be easily folded up.

However, over the years, the parts that we use to make smartphones have grown and smaller and smaller. Although some of the phones on the market right now do have large screens, most newer phones are on the thinner side. Small parts make it possible to make phones that we wouldn’t have been able to produce in the past. It’s likely that we’ll see phones develop in more ways in the years to come.

dual screen smartphones

These Phones Can Rival Standard Smartphones

You might be concerned that a foldable phone won’t be able to do the things that your current phone will. While some phones are more powerful than others, you won’t be making a sacrifice if you decide to switch to a foldable phone. Some of the available models are among the most powerful smartphones on the market.

If you miss the convenience of old flip phones but don’t want to give up the perks that you’re getting from the smartphone you’re using now, then this is the solution that you’ve been looking for. If you look at the specs of some of these phones, you’ll be blown away.

The Newest Smartphones Are Very Different From Old Flip Phones

The new foldable phones that we see from companies like Samsung might seem like they’re similar to old-fashioned flip phones. Even though these phones might have some fundamental visual similarities, they are very different products when it comes down to it.

How are these phones different? First of all, these phones are capable of doing all kinds of things that older phones wouldn’t have been able to do. These new phones are incredibly powerful and offer all of the perks that you’d expect a modern smartphone to have.

These phones are also a lot slimmer and lighter than old flip phones. When you see one of these phones in person, you’ll be able to see how thin and sleek they are. This is a very stylish type of phone that can fit in a tiny pocket.

You should take the time to find out more about foldable smartphone tech. Don’t be afraid to look beyond the basics. These phones might seem like something out of a science fiction movie, but they’re genuine and available to purchase.

What is a NAS and why you need one

What is a NAS and why you need one

Among all digital gadgets that you can have at home these days, there is one that I like and that I recommend to everyone: the NAS, to centralize (and secure) your data. Also referred to as network attached server devices or serveur nas, these devices have been on the rise over the past decade !

What is a NAS?

NAS stands for Network-Attached Storage. It is a volume – like a hard disk – network, which can be accessible by everyone in your home or even outside. It is a mini-server.

You can then create users and user groups. You can configure different shares, volumes, which will be network disks, to limit access to specific data for individual users. Thus, the child will not have access to videos shot with mom, and mom will not have access to your collection of personal movies.

Beyond this “access security” aspect, a NAS very often has the advantage of having several hard drives, and of providing redundancy for your data. It is not a backup solution as such, but significant protection against hardware failures.

Why do you need it?

a western digital NAS
A western digital NAS

As mentioned above, the centralization and security of data are the biggest arguments for buying a NAS. Beyond that, since a NAS is a tiny server, you can do a lot of things.

The first of these is to outsource the downloading of your files to the NAS, instead of doing it on your computer.

For your collection of movies, you can use an application like Plex to play your media on TV. You can even play them on a smartphone away from home as long as you have an internet connection. Quite honestly, it’s part of the uses that have changed my digital life, and I won’t go back for anything in the world.

You can use your NAS server as a camera surveillance server, publish web content, print files from your tablet. It’s a new world that you will discover

Which NAS to buy?

I can’t advise you to buy a single bay model, which won’t protect you against hardware failures (no RAID). I would recommend the Synology or Qnap brand, for the power of their solutions, their beautiful design, and their regular updates.


I hope I’ve covered the subject of NAS servers and their use-cases as well as usefulness. I do not deliberately go into the details of everything that can be done, but you can find more on the web learn more about this technology.

What is a blockchain?

What is a blockchain?

For some time now, the term blockchain has been emerging on the web and elsewhere, but it is not always easy for some to have a clear idea of what it represents.

The idea of construction and operation is quite simple.

The latter is a means of transmitting, storing, and verifying information in a mathematical and entirely decentralized way.

Let us take a notary as a counter-example. The latter is a trusted and recognized individual who confers (in exchange for payment) on the acts you ask for a pledge of authenticity through his signature.

However, everything is based on this so-called trust that you and others have in him and without which the acts would no longer be of any value. Not only is it theoretically possible for him to lie and validate a litigious act, but it is also conceivable for other individuals to copy his seal and signature to authenticate forgeries.

A revolutionary technological breakthrough

The way the blockchain works is revolutionary in the sense that no trusted third party is necessary and falsification of acts is impossible. The blockchain network is made up of multiple individuals called miners (now several hundred thousand) who are responsible for validating the latter which are in a block by mathematical proof. Once the block is approved, it is linked to the previous ones.

It is not possible for minors to falsify a transaction because, as a result of decentralization, if one of them decides to lie by validating an illegal operation, the others will invalidate it later. Each person can play the role of the miner, thus guaranteeing the neutrality of the network.

Nor is it feasible for a person to do an invalid act as something that is validated because the blocks containing the authentic acts are visible to all. Indeed, each person participating in the network downloads all the blocks (and therefore the acts) since the creation of the network.
Miners get blockchain transaction fees that each person who wishes to enter something in the blockchain must pay (the average fees are generally meager, the equivalent of $0.05 for some cryptos), but also by creating new tokens (or cryptocurrencies) that they can then sell. Indeed, it is the latter that will be used to pay future transaction costs.

Multiple applications of the blockchain are possible, the most famous being its use for crypto-currencies. The first application of the blockchain is bitcoin.

Operation in summary:

  1. Jane wants to send 1 Bitcoin to John. She deposits her transaction in a pool (which contains all transactions pending validation) and deposits a “tip” (transaction fee) for minors.
  2. Miners select from the pool the transactions with the most tips and then put them in a block.
  3. The block is then validated using cryptographic means thanks to the work of the latter. They receive tips and new coins created during this process (ensuring the circulation of new cash).
  4. The block is registered in the blockchain, and anyone can, therefore, see the transactions present in this block (unless the blockchain is private).
  5. John received his Bitcoin because the network validated Jane’s shipment and entered “+1 BTC” in John’s wallet.

Of course, an infinite number of applications are conceivable, such as a decentralized supercomputer, a secure cloud, or even a new Internet. The operation described above will remain the same if blockchains with a different security principle, the Proof-Of-Stake, are introduced. We will not be interested in it in this article.

Virtual Reality, How Does it Works?

Virtual Reality, How Does it Works?

Virtual reality works around 5 main components.

. The Head Mounted Display headset: It is the component at the heart of the visual immersion sensation, thanks to a system based on two screens, one for each eye, allowing the depth of the field of vision to be streamed.

. The joysticks: In the virtual world, the controllers are like your hands, allowing you to interact with the environment. They thus actively contribute to the feeling of touch.

. Motion sensors: These are the sensors that make it possible to follow the exact position of the helmet and controllers, and thus to offer the sensation of movement and life-size immersion.

. The audio system: It has a dual characteristic. First of all, it allows sensory immersion by transcribing the sounds from the VR experience. On the other hand, it allows communication with other players, which is essential for a collaborative adventure.

. The computer: Its role is preponderant because it must be correctly dimensioned to meet the needs of the RV, in particular, to ensure a refresh rate of at least 90 frames per second.


Virtual reality is a relatively old concept, even if its name is somewhat recent. The terms “immersive multimedia” and “simulated computer reality” can be considered synonyms. A definition that has been popularized would read: “A set of computer techniques used to simulate the physical presence of a user in a virtual universe artificially created by various devices and software.

Virtual reality will thus make its user live a visual experience of immersion in a world and a universe created digitally. These universes can be entirely imaginary and drawn from the minds of their creators, but they can also be partial or complete representations of real places, drawn from real life.

A little history

The first traces of the evocation of virtual reality in its present sense date back to the mid-1930s, with Stanley G. Weinbaum. The latter published a short story in which he speaks explicitly of a pair of glasses allowing the wearer to have the impression of being transported into a virtual universe in which he can interact, touch and feel things.

In the real world, the first research on virtual reality dates back to the 1950s′. At that time, Morton Heilig, creator, and inventor was working on an entertainment concept that would stimulate the spectator’s senses to deceive his mind and make him believe that he was evolving in a different universe from the real world. In the early 60’s, after a decade of research and testing, Morton introduced the Sensorama. At that time, digital did not exist. The Sensorama is, therefore, a mechanical device that transports its user into an artificially created universe. Morton offered 5 short films compatible with his system, which marked the beginning of the RV concept.

During the same period, the U.S. military became interested in the RV concept to adapt it to a flight simulator.

HTC Vive, best VR handset hands up!

David Johnson chose the VIVE technology developed by the Taiwanese company HTC.

The HTC Vive headset, equipped with 32 sensors for 360° motion tracking, delivers stunning image quality with a resolution of 2160 x 1200 pixels. It offers total visual immersion thanks to a 110° field of view. It is also very comfortable to wear thanks to foam cushions and nose pads that offer personalized comfort. It is particularly suitable for most pairs of glasses.

Thanks to its 2 controllers, each with 24 detectors, the HTC Vive offers accurate motion tracking for perfect interaction with the environment.

As for its exclusive integrated audio system, it allows sound and image to be perfectly synchronized for an enhanced immersive effect.

Apple Watch 3 Presentation

Apple Watch 3 Presentation

Released on September 22nd, 2017, the Apple Watch 3 signals the arrival of a 4G module, allowing the connected watch to be independent of the smartphone. A sufficient novelty? Our test.
Apple signs its third generation of watches connected with the Apple Watch 3.
Less than three years after the release of the first model, the American giant finally endows its product with a 4G connection, allowing it to emancipate itself from the iPhone. If in the design, the Apple brand lacks originality, the latter has bet everything on its new S3 processor.

Always the same design

make phone calls from the watchApple doesn’t make any revolution in design. The Apple Watch 3 is similar to the older models with a rectangular case (38 or 42 mm). Only one change distinguishes it from the others: its red dial… You will have understood that the biggest changes reside inside the connected watch.

The 4G module changes the game.

The latest connected Apple watch has the new S3 chip. The latter is much more responsive than its elders and offers a more enjoyable experience and more frequent use.

The Apple Watch 3 also features WatchOS 4, its new operating system, which offers new features such as chatting with Siri. On previous versions of the accessory, the apple giant’s boot displayed only messages on the screen. From now on, the personal assistant speaks, writes our messages and even schedules calls.

But the biggest new feature of the Apple Watch 3 is its 4G module. The watch can now be independent of the smartphone. In short, it no longer has to be connected to the iPhone to send messages, use apps or make calls. It is very good news for those who don’t want to be constantly cluttered with their phones, but also for sportsmen and women who can now use Apple Music or another streaming platform via Watch.

However, this cellular connection is only accessible under certain conditions. To begin with, you must at least own an iPhone 5SE and secondly, you must be the lucky owner of an Orange subscription with a multi-SIM option… Apple is only working with one operator at the moment, but others will soon be available.

The connection can still be improved. As soon as it disconnects from the iPhone or wi-fi to enter a cellular connection, it takes about 30 seconds of adaptation, the same as when you leave the subway or an area without a network. But on the whole, it’s still honorable.

A watch dedicated to sportsmen and women

Since its launch, the Apple Watch has seduced sports enthusiasts with its many functionalities. But the third generation is doing even more. It incorporates a more precise cardiac sensor, which can be adjusted to alert you when your pulse exceeds a certain level, an improved Exercise application that timed your run, takes heartbeats and distance traveled in different disciplines. The latter is also water-resistant to 50 Apple Watch 3

It also has the Activity application, which offers more advanced data and a ring system that allows you to reach several objectives during the day. Alerts also prompt you to carry them out if they are not reached. Finally, the fact that you don’t need an iPhone is very beneficial: you don’t have to worry about having to listen to music, send messages or receive calls.

An accessory that has a price tag…like every Apple product!

Like all Apple products, you’ll have to get your hands on the Apple Watch 3. Count 449 euros for the starting version with 4G. Add to that 5 euros per month for an Orange package, -the first six months are free. Without the 4G, the model goes down to 369 euros but loses all the innovative aspect of the third-generation model.

Apple is here signaling a good evolution of its product with an independently connected watch. More powerful, faster and more powerful, this one is innovative for those who don’t own an Apple Watch. Owners of one of the previous models can also purchase it if they wish to benefit from the autonomy of the product. However, we regret that the design has not evolved… All that remains is to customize your watch with new bracelets.

huge range of colours avail

Clean My Mac – The Ultimate Tool to Clean your Apple Computer!

Clean My Mac – The Ultimate Tool to Clean your Apple Computer!

A new major version of CleanMyMac, not to be confused with MacKeeper, is available. The editor has lightened the interface of its cleaning utility by making the sidebar transparent and modifying other interface elements.

the clean my mac app from macpawThe primary function of the software remains the same: to recover several gigabytes on its hard disk (or SSD) by deleting unnecessary files. Clean My Mac test stands out from previous versions by taking additional files into account.

In addition to removing caches, translations, and logs, among others, the software now proposes to clean up Mail attachments and unnecessary iTunes files (interrupted downloads, damaged backup …).

For Mail attachments, CleanMyMac 3 only selects those that have not been modified. Attachments deleted from the hard drive remain accessible online, via the web version of the email service configured in Mail.

In any case, it is advisable to carefully look at which files will pass through the trap before confirming. The author of these lines never had a bad surprise with the version 3 of CleanMyMac, but the software is extending its field of action, it is better to be careful.

1. Standard Functions of Clean My Mac

This Mac Mac utility software has all the features you can find in other software to clean your Mac computer: clean the hard drive, clear caches, detect and delete duplicate files, remove temporary files, address files Binaries and remove unnecessary language files.

 2. Additional features of Clean My Mac

Removed corrupted startup items, development junk, leftovers application, photo trash, broken preferences, flash driver trash and Mac OS service junk. Also, this Mac also includes an uninstaller application, package analyzer, ignore list applications, drag and a drop features, widget manager, and many other fun things.

CleanMyMac 3 also includes some maintenance scripts (reindexing Spotlight, dumping DNS caches, reconstructing the launch services base …), but it does much less than Onyx on this point – which is free more.

A Privacy section is used to delete web browsing files and the history of Skype and Messages communications.

protect your privacy online

Finally, a dashboard summarizes the hard drive, memory, battery, and processor status. This information can be accessed by clicking on the software icon in the menu bar.

CleanMyMac 3 is sold for 20 € instead of 40 until 14 April. The 50% discount is valid without time limits for users of the previous version. The demo version can only delete 500 MB of files. OS X Mountain Lion minimum is required.

Satellite Internet – How is it Working?

Satellite Internet – How is it Working?

There are a lot of zips and zaps that take place to bring the web from service providers to worldwide users, at lightning fast speed!

By traveling through space at speeds once reserved for science fiction, satellite signals using HuguesNet Generation 4 technology allow world web users even in the most remote areas to enjoy the convenience and brilliance of broadband networks.

Find how this happens

how satellite works through internet

Drones and How they Work ?

Drones and How they Work ?

Long used by the military, drones are now used by private individuals for both recreational and commercial use.

How do they really work?

Generally speaking, a drone is characterized by 4,6 or 8 propellers.

The propeller blades of a drone are fixed, in fact, they can not change angle of inclination. The rotation of the propeller blades is alternated. In the meantime, the alternating inversion of these propellers promotes flight stability.

bebop 2 parrot

The principle of flight is based solely on the movement of the propellers. If all engines run at the same speed, the drone will hover.

To make a movement, advance or back up, the success of the flight is played on the front and rear engines. Similarly, for the right and left movement of the arms. The slowing of the right engines favors the movement to the right. To rotate, increase the speed of motors aligned on an axis. In addition, a drone is also equipped with several technologies. It is powered by an electrical power namely polymer lithium batteries.

How to control the navigation?

The control of a drone requires a particular technique that the individual must learn. Like other flying machines, drones move in the air. The blades of the propellers allow it to perform the flight. Thanks to navigation electronics, you can control a drone from the ground.

The latter obeys you with the finger and the eye. Using a specific device called a radio controller, you can easily influence the movements made by your multirotor. Then the barometer accurately measures the altitude traveled by this flying device.

Finally, using a GPS, you can easily detect the position of your drone. In general, a drone has an autonomy of between 5 min up to 1 h. Most drones can carry mass objects between 1 kg and 10 kg like cameras and video gear. Some custom drones can load large masses.

a dji drone the market leader

Thus, the payload of drones depends on the reason for use.

How to choose your drone?

Known as UAVs, drones play several roles in different areas. Now they are accessible to the general public and can be purchased in the department stores or online.

Whether for professional use or just for fun, the choice of the type of drone must be made depending on your use and needs.

At the moment, drones exist in several models, sizes, pace … Each has distinctive features that make them better. Find more on the trendiest drone of 2017

Samsung Introduces World’s First Expandable OLED Display

Samsung Introduces World’s First Expandable OLED Display

Samsung recently claimed that the scalable OLED screen is unique, and it has the ability to fold back and forth. Moreover, it is also different from the current flexible screens because it can be wound, folded or curved over all or part of its surface, according to some local sources.

Also, industry experts report that the stretch screen requires a more complicated technology compared to the screens currently on the market, and is considered the primary product of the flexible technology in the market.

The OLED display can extend up to 12 millimeters

The South Korean company has revealed that the screen can extend up to 12 millimeters when pressure is applied and that it has the ability to retain its high resolution without affecting the quality of the displayed content. Samsung will showcase a 9.1-inch version of this expandable OLED display at SID 2017 in Los Angeles, while LG Display and other companies are also expected to showcase new screens they are working on that could be featured in their future products, Including smartphones.

It is interesting to note that Samsung will only present the new screen, and remains to be seen if this one that can enter mass production. But one thing is for sure, and the expandable OLED display can be used in a fullness of products, including smartphones.

Until Samsung’s first smartphone with a flexible screen arrives, the company should announce the Galaxy X, which could take time to develop. Last month, a Samsung Display official said that foldable smartphones might not see the light of day before 2019, as engineers are still working to perfect the technology.

Also, the Samsung representative said the demand for smartphones without borders is still high. In other words, launching a prototype like the Galaxy X on the market could drastically reduce sales pending the arrival of the latter.

How Cannabis Vaporizers Work

How Cannabis Vaporizers Work

Vaporizing cannabis refers to the process of heating dried cannabis until its temperature reaches a level below its point of combustion. While it is clear that vaporizers have existed for a long time, it was not until the last five to ten years ago that their importance came to people’s knowledge.

How do cannabis vaporizers work?

The main benefit of vaporizing marijuana is to remove the potentially health-inhibiting factors in the product. With proper vaporizing, you can avoid some of the health issues associated with using marijuana. Some of these issues include the presence of carcinogens and tar in the cannabis. During the vaporizing process, cannabis heats to a level where only the desired cannabinoids are released without hampering the main material.

replace toxic chemicals in tobacco

What are the types of the available vaporizers?

Currently, there are three types of cannabis vaporizers. They include:

Pen vaporizers
As their name suggests, pen vaporizers (“Vape pens”) assume the shape of a normal pen. Some of the benefits of using this type of vaporizers include the fact that they are easy to use, allows for discretion and are much cheaper as compared to the other types.

Portable vaporizers

various Medical Marijuana applicationsAs technology advances, so do this type of vaporizers. The main advantage of these vaporizers is that they are portable thereby they enhance convenience. In addition to that, they are slightly larger than pen vaporizers, and they are rechargeable. Click here to get vaporisateur portable pas cher!

Desktop/stationary vaporizers

These types of vaporizers are generally “stay at home” type. Despite the fact that they are not portable, these kinds of vaporizers have more benefits as compared to the other types. They deliver a higher quality vapor, and they use the convection method of heating.


Cannabis vaporizers work by heating cannabis to a level just below its combustion point. It ensures that the much-needed cannabinoids are extracted without destroying the material. There are three types of cannabis vaporizers namely desktop, portable and pen vaporizers. All these works to perform the same functions differently.

How Smart Watches Work

How Smart Watches Work

Researchers working in the field of high technology have not finished producing the most innovative results yet. Buckle up people as 2020 is approaching!

The smart watch is one of the hot topics of the moment and arouses a competitive and fierce race between the biggest tech manufacturers and brands on the planet. If the connoisseurs already have a deep interest in these toys, the average users are still looking for their true utility. But what can theses connected watches be used for?

Smart Watches : the principle

A connected watch has several elements that differentiate it from other existing watches. As the name suggests, it is connected or connected to the web or a smartphone. As a rule, the watch uses Bluetooth or Wifi technology to allow this connection with your phone, or has a SIM card and a 3G connection for direct access to the Internet.

Google is of course making moves on this market
Google is of course making moves on this market

According to the manufacturer and according to the quality of the watch, the latter allows several functionalities: reception of various notifications, alerts of telephone calls, notification and reading of new messages or emails, access to dedicated applications, Taking pictures and many other multimedia functions.

It can also open up opportunities for tracking activity and sports, telling you how far you are traveling or how many calories you are burning. These are ultimately mini-computers, halfway between a classic watch and a smartphone glued to the wrist.

Operation and use

Connected watches are based on the latest technological innovations in 2017.

The most successful renowned operating systems or OS, such as Android Wear or soon iOS, or dedicated operating systems, such as Pebble OS or Tizen. They are thus placed as true intelligent devices, because of their name “smartwatch”.

Not always able to substitute for smartphones, these watches have some of the best features or applications installed on them. But they can also be independent and they have vocations to do more and more over the time.

watches for fitnessIn addition to being a fashion accessory and a device to know the time (anyway), a Smartwatch is doomed to several other functions. First, it receives all notifications from your phone without the need to take the mobile out of your pocket or bag.

In this case, they are primarily mobile phone assistants. Some watches allow for more extensive use. Most of them allow you to receive or make calls, read emails or SMS, or access various social networks. Some models have an integrated camera allowing video capture sequences.

GPS and multimedia functions are also part of the strengths of a few watches. The vast majority of connected watches are equipped with a touch screen for easier and more intuitive use. The biggest worry at the moment is the relatively short battery life. The arrival of the Android and soon iOS blinds should multiply the applications available, as well in declination of those existing already on the smartphones as for other domains.

Health and fitness seem to be the most promising sectors right now.

Steam cleaner and all you need to know

Steam cleaner and all you need to know

Steam cleaners use vapor steam that is dry to disinfect or sanitize, clean as well as remove buildups and stains. The machines are perfect for hard surfaces such as sealed floors and grout and tiles and ideal as well for cleaning spots of softer materials such as upholstery and carpets.

The machines generate up to 360 F temperatures hence they kill mold, bacteria, fungus and any other allergen. The steam cleaners use a low-pressure of about 150 psi.

Water is heated using a boiler in the steam cleaner which converts it to vapor which then exits through the nozzle out of the machine. The steam generated cleans by loosening the dirt on the soft fibers and hard surfaces which are then wiped out or taken as vacuum. Vapor contained in steam cleaners contain water 5% which is quite dry compared to the air we take in. some steam cleaners use detergents and cleaning solutions with others including vacuums.

Components of a steam cleaner.

steam vacuum cleaners in actionBoiler boils water turning it to steam. Boilers are subjected to very high pressures and heat hence their top grade versions are made using stainless steel. Boilers have heating elements that are replaceable to enable replacement of the single component instead of the whole boiler.

Refill tank.
Most of  the best steam cleaners contain refill tanks that are not pressurized to enable the person operating the cleaner to add water as the machine still runs. If the system lacks a refill tank, the operator then must depressurize it, then add water directly to the boiler and wait for a minimum of 20 minutes for heating of the water.

Detergent tanks.
These are the tanks that dispense and hold the detergents or cleaning solutions. Some steam cleaners come with handles to be used to control the steam and detergent flow during cleaning.

Steam vacuum.
Steam cleaners also contain vacuums used to empty the contents of the cleaner automatically into tanks of extraction of about 35 liters. They boost productivity as they allow cleaning and extraction without using towels.

Video – How GPS Work These Days

Video – How GPS Work These Days

The GPS (Global Positioning System), present in many land, air, and marine vehicles but also in a majority of smartphones, is now part of our daily life.

Since 1978, the US Army maintains a fleet of satellites whose function is to continuously send a radio signal containing information, namely the position of the transmitting instrument and the time of sending the signal.

On the ground, GPS geolocation devices such as are found in automobiles or smartphones have antennas that pick up these signals. A GPS receiver notes the time at which it receives a given signal, the time at which the signal was transmitted and understands the time taken to complete the route. Since radio waves propagate at the speed of light, we can assume the distance from the satellite.

The GPS system comprises at least 24 satellites operating in the Earth’s orbit at an altitude of approximately 20,000 km. They work by triangulation and make it easy to determine a location.

These satellites carry extremely precise atomic clocks which give the geolocation an accuracy of about 30 meters. The clocks of the European Galileo system which will soon be put into service are three times more precise. The geolocation then approaches in the accuracy of the meter.

Get a better understanding of how a microwave works !

Get a better understanding of how a microwave works !

Microwave ovens are one of the most convenient ways of cooking food because they heat food up very quickly.

Most people have probably used a microwave at some point during their lives, but they may not realise exactly how it works. The concept is quite simple.

Does It Use Radiation?

american households use microwaves every day

Radiation is used to heat food in a microwave oven. Microwaves are the shortest type of radio wave.

They are electromagnetic waves that measure about 12cm in length. They are produced in the oven by a magnetron. When these microwaves are directed towards the good, they cause the particles within the food to become agitated.

As these particles move around, they begin to generate heat, and this is how the food becomes cooked. Most microwaves also have a setting where you can defrost food and this works on the same principle.

Is Using A Microwave Oven Safe?

The microwaves that are used to heat the food cannot escape from the oven. It is because metal surrounds the compartment where the food is cooked.

The glass doors of the oven also prevent the microwaves from escaping. Microwaves cannot pass through the materials that the oven is made from, meaning that they are only directed towards the food.

Are Microwave Ovens Efficient?

Using a microwave is more efficient than using a conventional oven, but they are not as effective overall as you may expect. A lot of energy is needed to produce the microwaves that cook the food, and some heat is always lost.

While the majority of the microwaves will be directed towards the food, there is no feature that allows them all to be concentrated on a particular spot and so the space around the food will also become heated in the same way as in a conventional oven, but to a lesser degree.

3D printers in the modern era

3D printers in the modern era

3D printing which can also be referred to as additive manufacturing is a process that involves using a digital file to make objects with three dimensions. To achieve this creation, the additive process plays a huge role.

The additive process involves creating an object laying down sequential beds on the material until you finally have the desired object created. In this article, we will be informing how 3D printers work and some of the technology that they adopt.

So how exactly do 3D printers work?

a yoda figure 3d printedLike very many other technological processes, before creating anything, you must first have its practical design. The case is also true while using 3D printers. An example of a virtual design can be Computer Aided Design also known as CAD, which has its creation from using a scanner or an application used for modelling.

What are some of the technologies that 3D scanners use?

With the growth in technology, it is no surprise that various types of technologies have been used in the making of 3D scanners. Some of these technologies include volumetric scanning and time of flight amongst many others. In the recent time, giants like Google and
Microsoft has chipped in by enabling some of their devices to undertake 3D scanning processes.
An example of this is the Microsoft’s kinetics. With the direction through which technology is taking the world, it will not take a long time before people can be able to digitise real objects into 3D models in an easier way. Perhaps easier like taking a picture of the object.

What about softwares?

Just as the technologies used in creating them, the software that is used to create 3D scanners come in many forms. The software ranges from price to price. Some can cost you a lot of money regarding the expenses of licensing per year while others can be cheaper or available free such as Blender.

The type of software you use for your printer will depend on your level and knowledge of operating them. For example, if you are a beginner, you will use a different software as compared to one that a professional will use.

How do you get started with this technology?

It may involve you starting by asking yourself where you want to start learning. You must decide whether you only want to focus on the hardware bit of the printer or you want to create objects.

This will again depend on the amount of money that you have for spending in learning how to work with 3D printers. If you have a tight budget, you can choose to acquire cheap 3D printers and start from there.

Various 3D printers use various types of technologies and software. In addition to that, you can use different methods of printing. A good example is using an additive. The type of method you use will determine the creation of the final object.

Overall, you can start learning how 3D printers work better by acquiring one. You do not have to break the bank to achieve this, as there are some cheap printers for beginners in the market today.

How electric shavers work

How electric shavers work

Electric shavers work entirely differently from blade razors as their cutting action is scissor-like, unlike the blade action which is direct skin contact.

The hairs get into the razor screen which is perforated then the moving blades which are inside the electric razor at that point sever them. The blades are connected to a motor which keeps moving them in a circular manner against the foil in between your skin and the shaver.

selection of electrical shavers

The blade is less irritating since the blade does not graze the skin of the user but the razor inside.

Electric in electric shaver defines the movement of the blades using electricity. The razors can be fueled by a battery powered or corded source of energy. Modern electric shavers mostly use rechargeable batteries.

These components are electrical and very safe to use with water during cleaning and also they are water resistant. Most of the electric shavers do not require water or cream lubrication. Electric shavers are two types:

1.) Foil shavers.

Foil shavers work in such a way of moving the razor forth and back under the screen or foil. The shaver screen is perforated to allow hair to fall out through the perforations. Foil shavers contain at least four blade rows arranged in a line.

As the blade moves forth and back, it cuts any hair that gets into the foil perforations. Various foil shavers have varied numbers of foils. The many foils lie on each other to cover the blades. Foil shavers are named as per the number of foil layers they have. Foil shaver containing three foil layers are called triple foils.

2.) Rotary shavers.

rotative blades in actionRotary has foils round and are held by springs in place. The springs act as the foils pivot to allow confirmation to the person being shaved face curves.

Beneath the foils are wheels fitted with blades on them. The wheels spin round and cut any hair that gets into the perforations of the foil. The cut hair then falls into the razor’s hollow parts leaving the skin free from irritation resulting from direct skin blades.